What are Vape Coils?
Definition of Mesh Coil and Regular Coil
Mesh Coil VS Regular Coil
Advantages of Mesh Coil
Disadvantages of Mesh Coil
What are Vape Coils?
For new vapers, there may be many questions. One of the questions is usually asked is “How do vape devices work?” When it comes to such an issue, we have to mention the coil.
Coils are one of the most important parts of your vape device, which is wrapped in a thick wicking material. The main function of vape coils is to heat up your e-liquid and turns it into vapor. The wicking material is used to soak up the e-liquid. And the battery provides energy to the vape coil to produce heat.
Your vaping experience is correlated with the resistance of the coil. The lower the resistance of the coil, the more intense is the vapor that it will deliver. You can test different coils and judge which one is best for you.
Currently, there are several types of coil in the market- mesh, regular, ceramic, and quartz coil. Both mesh and regular coil are metal structures. In this article, we will focus on the similarities and differences of the two metal-structure coils and hope you can find which one is right for you.
Definition of Mesh Coil and Regular Coil
Mesh coils are grid-like strips of metal – often made from stainless steel or Kanthal. It’s designed to increase the surface area that provides better contact with your wicking material (usually cotton) for maximum vapor and flavor production.
Regular coils( or standard/traditional coils ) are a single thread of wire “coiled” into a spiral heating element.
Mesh Coil VS Regular Coil
Both mesh and regular coils work in a similar way but only have slightly varied effects. Recently, the mesh is becoming increasingly common across the e-cigarette industry. Both act as the heating element when you press the firing button on your device (or inhale to vape). When heating up, they vaporize your e-liquid to generate vapor so you can inhale it.
Compared with regular coils, mesh coils feature a larger surface area and heat up the vape juice at a faster rate. They also offer more uniform heating as the same amount of current is spread across a wider surface area. This means that there are lower chances of experiencing a dry hit or burnt hit with mesh coils than in regular coils.
Because mesh coils don’t get extremely hot like their spiral counterparts, they ofter last longer, characterized by a cooler vaping experience. Generally, the mesh coils can produce a bigger vapor volume and more flavorful taste than regular coils.
Regular coils are usually found in disposable vapes and vape pod systems. They are well suited to these kinds of kits because they adapt to being built smaller than mesh coils. Regular coils often have poor longevity compared with mesh coils, when you are using a pod or mouth-to-lung starter kit, you will be used with a small vape pod that works with lower wattage.
Advantages of Mesh Coil
There are many reasons why you should use mesh coils. Whether you are a flavor or cloud chaser, this new coil technology will be likely to hook you. Apparently, this technology has an upper hand in various ways that are originated from a single characteristic: large surface area, maintaining uniform heating.
Faster heating up: Mesh coils work at a quicker rate compared to regular coils. They offer a more effective and stronger hit, delivering a better flavor and vapor.
More excellent flavor delivery and vapor production: the bigger the surface area, the better the flavor delivery. Mesh coils can provide a better taste of your e-juice and massive vapor. Hence, the entire vaping experience is improved.
Consistency: A hurting fact most vapers may experience is that not all hits are the same. That happens as your coil design does not uniformly get into contact with your cotton wick. Unlike the regular coils, mesh coils can cover the whole surface area of the wick, enabling even heating of the coil. This can promote the even heating of the e-juice and ensure that all the hits are the same.
Longevity: Thanks to the evenly distributed heat: not concentrated in a single area, which means less risk of the burnt coil. Vapers using mesh coils replace their coils less often than those with regular coils, saving them time and money due to the longer life.
Power requirement: All coils feature ideal power ranges. They only need less power to achieve optimum performance. Low wattage ranges indicate that it can save your battery power and ultimately increasing the battery service life.
Disadvantages of Mesh Coil
E-juice Consumption: Vapers using mesh coils will consume more e-liquids as increasing the surface area of the coil can result in a corresponding increase in the consumption of e-liquid. Hug clouds and strong flavor generation come with at a cost, consuming more e-liquid. It sounds obvious. This is a bit frustrating because the tank would require frequent top-ups.
Health Concerns: Although it is generally believed that vaping will cause a little medical harm, equivalent to smoking, there are still no long-term facts compared to spans of tobacco research. However, if there are any risks associated with VG or PG inhalation, long-distance massive inhalation will exacerbate the possible health effects. Take caution when you vape with mesh coils. If you find yourself getting a cough or some other strange symptoms, it is time to consult your doctor.
All Vabeen’s products use self-developed VFEELING coil, designed to provide a pleasurable taste experience for smokers, perfect for flavor chasers.
Compared with the regular coil, the VFEELING coil has significantly improved the vaporizing efficiency. The heating area of the coil is increased by 4 times and e-juice can be heated up more uniformly. It can provide optimum e-liquid volume without leaking, with the absorption rate of e-liquid increased by 17%. The heating time is quicker, increased by 13%. Besides, the coil has a longer life span, and the flavor is much better and pure.